Public Art 1


When the decision to move here finally came to fruition there were a few things I knew I wanted from my new hometown. Good hiking, local restaurants, craft beer, mountains were a few of the things I wanted to see. It wasn’t until after I lived here for a little while that I realized how much I love something else, and that is all the public art. Whether it is murals along the street, or massive sculptures there is more public art than I have seen anywhere else. Of course, that means that a few will stand out and quickly become your favorites. The ones that you take guests to see, and the ones that no matter what you go out of your way to see multiple times. While I’m sure the list will grow, here are a few of my favorite art pieces that I have encountered the brief time I have lived here. 

Greetings from Burque: Would any other piece of art be more fitting? Located off Central in the Nob Hill region this mural encompasses everything that Albuquerque is about. The vibrant teal background stands out, and the designs within the words show everything great about the town. Hot air balloons, the petroglyphs, the indigenous culture, chile peppers, and the Sandia tramway are all represented, and all things people from Albuquerque recognize as part of their city. In addition, this is part of Historic Route 66 so not only do you get to see some great art, but also drive along a historic road. 

Snake in the Median: This one was so unexpected that I was glad I happened to see it. South of the Sunport near a major streaming service studio there is a giant snake made of stone in the median of the road. At first, I thought it was just the head of the rattlesnake, but as I kept driving the body winded its way down the median and was capped off by individual rocks making up its rattle. The rocks are well detailed and give off the pattern of a snakeskin making it even more impressive. While off the beaten path this is a must-see piece of art that words don’t do justice, it must be seen in person. 

Ironman: Yet another piece of art that is better seen in person than in photos in the metal Ironman sculpture in downtown Albuquerque. Located at 4th and Lomas near the courthouses this is a sight to be seen. This towering sculpture is great down to every detail. The red and gold are vibrant, and there is no doubt that it is the superhero you are looking up at. In addition to Ironman there are also transformer sculptures around the shop as well. This is hands down some of the more unique artwork I have seen and can’t wait to see what other sculptures appear in this area in the years to come. 

While the list is small right now, I know that it will only continue to grow in the future. As I continue to explore not only the city, but also the state more artworks will continue to be a part of my photo albums and my writings. There are still so many murals, sculptures, and other pieces I plan on exploring so I guess it’s time to get started. 

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